About Applied Science & Humanities

The Department of Basic Sciences s since its inception has been the foremost centre for learning basic principles of various disciplines such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry , so that students proceed to rest of their years of study with up to date knowledge and training of basic engineering skills.Engineering is concerned with the application of basic sciences and mathematics to solving real world problems and making it a better place. Working toward this goal, the department currently has 10 dedicated faculty members actively involved in teaching and research. Well established laboratories help in fostering the spirit of research and motivate the students to learn beyond the syllabus and understand the symbiotic relationship between science and technology. Proficiency in the English language which is vital for working in the global arena is imparted through an effective and efficient curriculum and a language laboratory. Besides academics, the Department is actively involved in the development of students’ personality through the Debating Society, Dramatics Club, Photography Club and so on.