



( Department of Computer Science )

Name of Board Passing Year Percentage
Current Academic Details
2016-2020 B.Tech in computer science and engineering(B.C.E,Patna) S.G.P.A till 4th semester is 8.16
Awards & Honors
• JAN 2013 Felicitated by the Prime Minister, 1 /100 in India selected by MHRD for academic performance, Republic day parade. Selected based on the secondary examination. • MARCH, 2018 Certified for BIG SOCIAL DATA by IIT PATNA score 9.0 pointer in BIG SOCIAL DATA ANALYSIS TEST organised in IIT PATNA through GIAN (GLOBAL INITIATIVE OF ACADEMIC NETWORK) under the instruction of DR. ERIK CAMBRIA (NTU SINGAPORE), MR. HAIYAN PENG (NTU SINGAPORE), MR. MD SHAD AKHTAR (IIT PATNA) AND MR. DEEPAK GUPTA (IIT PATNA) • APR, 2018 Bronze medalist in SKILL INDIA BIHAR UNDER WORLD SKILL COMPETITION-2019(IN IT Software Solution for Bussiness) • DEC, 2018 Our project phonav is selected among 35 other ideas across the nation ,to represent among the top company like microsoft, unicorn,naccom in ideathon patna. Certification • Big social data analysis by Indian institute of technology and G.I.A.N • Artificial intelligence and machine learning workshop by H.T india labs • introduction to machine learning by nptel
Projects Executed
Current working fields • Survey paper on different machine learning algorithm. • Survey paper on different attributes and methods in deep learning.(ongoing) PROJECTS • Face and eye detection using python.(2017) Sentiment analysis on text through python. • Machine learning classifier on self driving car. Train more than half dozen classifier on udacity self driving car data set with 93.2% accuracy. Classifiers are- 1.Naive Bayes 2. Support Vector Machine 3.Decision Tree 4.k- Nearest Neighborhood 5.Adaboost 6.Random Forest still working to increase accuracy • Machine learning classifiers on Enron data set. Train more than half dozen classifier on Enron data set with 98% accuracy. To detect author, find pattern in emails and investigate various other things. • Combine, modify and implement gradient descent. Combine and modify various gradient descent optimization algorithm to reduce error up to 1.15e-21 on data set provided by nptel. Various algorithm implemented are as- 1.Adam Gradient Descent 2.Gradient Descent 3.Line Search Gradient Descent 4.Mini batch Gradient Descent 5.Momentum Gradient Descent 6.Nestrov Gradient Descent 7.Stochastic Adam Gradient Descent 8.Stochastic Gradient Descent 9.Stochastic Mini batch Adam Gradient Descent 10.Stochastic Mini batch Moment Gradient Descent 11.Stochastic Mini batch Nestrov Gradient Descent 12.Stochastic Momentum Gradient Descent 13.Stochastic Nestrov Gradient Descent phonav - a device for visually impaired peoples. currently it is able to identify 22 different objects in live video through camera and spell them through speaker, currently able to spell in 68 different accent and including 5 Indian language like Hindi ,Tamil,Punjabi,Kannada and Malayalam. INTERNSHIP Created a teaching website for a team of marine engineers,under the guidance of B.E.E.L.T.R.O.N The website contains videos in regional language with subtitle. Videos and comments are stored in database and give power to the user to edit the video